Friday, November 12, 2010

activity 14

hierarchical, bread crumb trail, navigation bar, site map, hyperlinks, buttons, consistency, clarity, linear, web, In/out, simultaneous access, mixed, frame
navigation-bar. A secondary, shorter navigation menu – this includes “tab bars” with links to major parts of a large site 
hierarchy -is an arrangement of items in order of precedence - generally from top to bottom  
breadcrumb trail- is a navigation tool that allows a user to see where the current page is in relation to the Web site's

hyperlinks- a list of coordinates that indicate its boundaries

site map- is a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users.

 buttons- a Push Button in HTML. Though links to other web pages are most often accomplished through hyperlinked text.

 consistency- using the same layout throughout, not changing anything but the info.
clarity- avoiding negative statements ,  double negatives entirely ,Use informal language, and pronouns, and also use examples that learners will find familiar . linear- straight line
in/out- the button are in a certain arrangment (circular)
mixed- all different arrangments- and different layouts.

 simultaneous access- parellel access.
frame- To build by putting together the structural parts of; construct: frame a house. 2. To conceive or design

1. navigation is how you get from one page to another. its the way you switch to different parts of a website.

2. i am going to use the navigation bar. i feel its an easy and fast way to get through my webpage with out any trouble.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

activity 13

i am going to use a menu bar to navigate the pages on my website. i feel that it is very easy and you see everything you can go to right in front of you. some websites i go on i have to search extra hard for things i want to see. but a menu bar can make everything more visual and shorten you search time.

interacting will be the best fit for my website. people will be able to get results right away when they search for it.

activity 12

to achieve harmony and unity you must pick pictures that has the same colors and background. everything has to blend in together in one picture. its like making a collage.

to achieve simplicity you just do the basics. you dont go beyond and over or use extremes. you do the must need just do say you did it. you use the least amount of everything you need.

to achieve consistency you use the same pattern over. its like if youre using dark colors such as black and violet and navy blue you dont just throw in a yellow and pink. you want everything to be in tone with each other.

clarity is using a clean and formal language. no slang or curses or negative words can be included. you want to clear your point but you also want to do it in a way where you can show a 7 year old what you are writing. for examples instead of using the N or S words you can say african american or spanish people. this is a much more decent way then addressing people out of their names.

balance is when you have everything pretty much even to each other. you dont want to put a house on one side and basketballs on the other. if you put a house on one side you want to put another house on the other side to that is probably the same size and color.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

activity 11

1. My design uses variety. i use different shapes and sizes to show my design. i wanted to show the different variations of colors.

2. I used variety and analogus colors. I have a lot of colors such as green, yellow, red. sky blue, pink, and many more. I couldn't choose one main color.

3. The color of the background is baby blue and white, but the pictures have many different colors. The font is yellow with green background behind the words.